Howdy! I'm pretty sure that is the official greeting from the state of Texas! LOL...I no longer live in Texas, but was born and raised there and am definitely a native Texan! :)
An introduction... name is Heather! I am wife to Heath, mom to H and M, WAHM (work at home mom--I design digital scrapbook products and when jobs come, freelance write elementary curriculum!), friend, sister, daughter, and overall Big Fat Dork! Like I said in my first paragraph, I am a native Texan, but live in Albuquerque now. I have no idea what else i need to include in an introduction b/c anything else I include would take away some of the interesting facts below!??!
A recent picture...a few days ago I posted a picture of myself for my OLW album, I won't repost it, but I had another picture taken that day as we were playing in the snow in Crested Butte, that picture is the one I decided on!?!?
Isn't it fun!??! I used the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone. Love that app!
Seriously, I have no idea how I'm coming up with 15 interesting facts about me....that is going to be crazy hard!?!? And sadly, I'm not sure if I'm a creative, funny enough writer to hold your attention to get through all 15!?!?! But "Here we GOOOOoooo...." (think Peter Pan here!)
1. Heath and I met right after I got out of high school and got married during college...can I say our GPAs went sky high. We've been married for 14 years and 27 days. I can't believe he still puts up with me.
2. Since 2000, I have had 2 babies, lived in 2 countries and 4 states, put my husband through med school, and residency, got my masters in education, started 2 new careers, and learned how to take pictures with my Canon EOS 20D in manual settings!?!?
3. For some reason, I function at a speed that at least doubles most people's natural speed. I get things done at a rapid rate, though not always perfect, it's usually correct! I have learned to slow down on many things I do. Because of this, most of my friends I get a freakishly large amount of things done in a day.
4. I have a serious addiction to Dr. Pepper. Please don't suggest I drink diet, it's gross! Since I am on a diet now, it's been 6 days since my last drink. I look forward to one at a later date.
5. I am not a girly girl, but not a tom-boy. I nearly hate the color pink, but birthed a little girl who thinks pink is the bees knees. I even painted her entire room pink a few months ago, nearly vomiting the entire time!?!?
6. Speaking of colors...I love color. I think, well, I'm pretty sure that i see colors differently than many people, most really. I have color memories...where I can match a color without having it with me, even weeks after seeing it. I am very color sensitive and when combinations are put together that are not pleasing to my eye, I almost have a physical reaction...and always a verbal one!
7. I love office supplies...just ask anyone who has ever worked in an office with me. I can hoard post it notes and sharpies if I don't watch it. It's all illness I'm certain.
8. I have 2 sisters...I'm the insensitive one. Just ask anyone. I'm also the funny one- get that from my dad. I'm much more funny in person than on the computer. Sarcasm is my comedy of choice-which doesn't come across well through digital media. Robyn is my older glad she's pregnant right now instead of me!?!?! She's also BRILLIANT and totally in tune with everyone around her. It's quite amazing. Amber is my baby glad she will have a baby sometime after Robyn to keep my baby holding needs in check so I won't want another one! She just got married in June, so it's coming someday. She is super SWEET, has not one mean bone in her body. She just finished her MBA, completing the masters trifecta that my parent's raised. All three of us girls got our masters!?! She also just started a new job...and lives in Charleston where Southwest is starting to fly to! WOO HOO! Oh my that was a long one.
9. I have also "adopted" two more sisters...Holly, my sister in law, is like a sister to me. Love her so much, she makes me laugh often, though not as much as I make her laugh!?!? The second is my only girl cousin, Jenni!?!? I LOVE me some Jenni! We are those cousins who would visit each other for a week at a time during the summer, and play and play and play. We are very much alike and I just enjoy her company.
10. Sports...I love sports. I love football the most, specifically college ball...I am a Dallas Cowboys fan! Even though we stunk up the field this year, I still love them!?!? It was watching them on Sunday afternoons with my dad that I learned all about football. Also, I love watching my Baylor Bears in any sport! This past year, I was fortunate enough to take the kids to Houston to watch them play in the Sweet Sixteen and Elite Eight! So proud...we also went to the Texas Bowl...our first bowl game since I was a jr. at Baylor! WOW!! Also love me some college baseball, and the Texas Rangers. We had a blast watching them get to the World Series this year! I also know more than most girls about sports in general...I love watching ESPN and obtaining crazy stupid facts. I love personal stories of athletes too. I'm a sports nerd. (In fact, we have Direct TV for NFL network and the ability to get all games of March Madness.)
11. I come from a long line of work-a-holics--on my mom's side. These women are also STRONG, which i love. I was raised knowing that I could do anything in the world that I put my mind to! My mom was an incredible example to me on working hard for what you want. I think my problem is that I don't always know what I want!
12. I love chick flicks. LOVE. My favorites are: Ever After, You've Got Mail, the Holiday, the Proposal, Hope Floats, and so many more! Love them!
13. Are you bored yet? I totally am one of those people who wants everyone to like me and approve of me. I do not want people to be disappointed in me, or not like me. I have a joke with my mother in law "I just want people to like me!?!?" I like helping if you need help, let me know, just give me some notice...which leads to 14...
14. I need time to adjust. I can be flexible, it's just not immediate. I need time to come to terms of my plans not working out or needing to change. I might need to complain about it to. But, once I get over my own issues, I'm happy to change plans!?!? Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance....This is actually my father-in-law's motto, but I have embrased it. It was natural for me to adopt. I like to plan my days, planning my errand "route" around the city to make the fastest possible time, we wont' even talk about my obsession in vacation planning...i'm a planner, I can't help it!
15. I love my family. Like LOVE my family. I would do anything for them, give anything to them. Although, because I'm not super affectionate and am "insensitive" it's not super obvious. But, overall, I would give a kidney to any of them...and probably any of my friends too. I am super loyal and a mama bear. Don't be hurting anyone I love because it won't be pretty what comes out of me if you do!
See, I told you I was boring. Those probably aren't the facts that you were looking for. They are weird and crazy, but I guess, that's who I am. I can't wait to get deeper into this challenge! I hope you enjoyed reading about me...I really do...see number 13!?!? Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow!??!